I have busy lately with a lot of things, so it is time for an update on everything.
The new online falconry equipment store that I opened up is doing pretty well. We have a nice add coming up in American Falconry Magazine and I think that will help. The store is now carrying Communications Specialists telemetry. We are also proud to announce that we are the only falconry store that is offering authentic Ron Rollins hoods. These are not knock offs made from his blocks. I worked hard to get Ron back into offering hoods again and to assure that they are authentic, Ron is signing the inside tab of every hood. We are really excited about the progress of the store, so please check it out.
I went to the Utah Sky Trials in February with two friends and we had a great trip. We made some new friends and we had some sales. I trapped a new female prairie falcon. Her name is Fergie. She is coming along in the process and I am enjoying the challenge of my first falcon. I can’t wait to hunt birds and ducks with her. Kit, my harris hawk, is still doing great chasing jack rabbits. She is up to over 30 this season. I am having a blast with her still and I will keep her for a long time.
I have been hard at work spearheading the Federal Falconry laws in Nevada on behalf of the State falconers. We really hope to have the laws in place this year. I just went before the Wildlife Commission and spoke to them about the laws. I really think that we made some progress.
Ill be posting more often and I appologize for my lack of blogging.
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