How to Become a Falconer in Nevada

So, you want to become a falconer? This page will provide you with all of the steps and links to assist you in becoming a falconer in Nevada. We will also list some questions to ask yourself to decide if this sport and lifestyle is a good fit for you.

Nevada Falconry Requirements

  • Hunter Safety Course
  • Hunting License
  • Pass the Falconry Exam
  • Get a sponsor
  • Get the required equipment
  • Get Inspected
  • Apply for falconry license
  • Apply for trapping permit
  • Begin training
  • Kiss your spare time goodbye….. 🙂

Here is the full process to becoming a falconer in Nevada in more detail

  • If you have never held a hunting license in the United States before, you will need to take a hunter education class that is approved by your state wildlife agency. Every state has a link to hunter education. Here is the link to Nevada Hunter Education
  • As a falconer in Nevada, you are still hunting and therefore you will still need to purchase a hunting license and any necessary stamps.
  • You will need to take the falconry exam and score an 80% or better. You do not need a sponsor in order to take the test. Here are some links to materials that you will need to study. Once you are prepared to take the test, email or call Nick Everett at 775-688-1405
    • Study ALL of Nevada’s regulations on falconry, which is NAC503.200 through NAC503.470
    • Study all of the material on this website
    • Purchase the following books and study all material
  • You will need a sponsor (NAC 503.245) who is willing to teach you falconry. Sponsors perform this duty out of the kindness of their hearts and love of falconry. They are not forced to sponsor and it takes time away from their own falconry and family. I would suggest you approach a potential sponsor with kindness and respect. This is a 2 year commitment for them to sponsor you. Most falconers will not talk to you very much without a commitment by you to take the falconry exam. You should ask to go hunting and see it first hand. A list of licensed falconers can be obtained from the Nevada Department of Wildlife by emailing or calling Nick Everett at 775-688-1405. You are also welcome to email me at and I will work with you to locate a willing sponsor.
  • You will need to acquire all of the necessary equipment (NAC 503.255) required by law. The equipment is not needed all at one time and will cost up to about $1000 for everything, including the mew for the bird. You should consult with your sponsor about proper equipment that is of good quality and safe for your bird. Do NOT purchase on your own and do NOT construct a mew without the input of your sponsor. This is all for the safety of the bird and to help you pass the inspection. Consulting with your sponsor will also save you money and time.
  • Once you and your sponsor have acquired all necessary equipment and built the mew, you can call NDOW Law Enforcement Division and request an inspection. Ask any office in your area for the Law Enforcement Division
  • Once you have passed inspection, you can apply for a falconry license. Under HUNTING, click on “Falconry” area of the page.
  • You will also need to apply for a Raptor Capture Permit for Falconry. Under HUNTING, click on “Falconry” area of the page. and scroll down to “Raptor Capture Permit”. Apprentices in Nevada are NOT limited to a Red Tail Hawk or an American Kestrel. You and your sponsor will decide what you should have.
  • Once you trap a bird or acquire one from some other source, you are ready to start training. Use your books, call your sponsor and listen to what they have to say. Please stay off the Internet for any training information. Your sponsor is there to help. So are the other falconers in the community.
  • Have Fun!!!